Sunday, August 12, 2012

This weekend we made an important decision to expand our family -- in 10 easy steps. Meet Dorothy!

Step 1: splish splash splosh the plants

Step 2: wash all the gravel

Step 3: make sure Eagle approves of your net technique

Step 4: break the bad news to Fred that he can't swim

Step 5: withering glance at Mama when she says it's not time yet

Step 6: arrange a marriage with Spiderman

Step 7: Investigate the moss ball

Step 8: take time to remind Chip and Eagle that they're still loved

Step 9: Hi Gare-bear!

Step 10: Dorothy is happy!!


  1. Bwahahaha (evil laugh).

    Soon, the goldfish will not be enough. You will casually search for fish tanks and you will find this

    And you will spend thousands trying to replicate this and will end up with this

    Eventually you will give up and end up with this

    But don't take my word for it, write your own fish tank story. I wish you good luck and my God have mercy on your soul.

  2. Collin made fun of my rig, said a goldfish could live in a toilet bowl. You're all just jealous of my moss ball! haha Love to all your peeps.
